We asked our audience on Instagram to nominate local runners in their community have a positive impact on those around them. It was exciting to watch the many nominations roll in, including Daniel Beeson.
Thanks for chatting to us Daniel, we’re so excited to shine a light on your special outlook on life.

I’m a Runner Q&A
What’s your favourite type of run?
Trail running is my jam!
Do you run solo or with friends?
Running is my mental release, so I run mostly on my own, or with my partner.
Favourite post run food?
Fish and chips or pasta would be my go-to if it’s a big run.

What do you love most about running?
The thing that keeps me going everyday is letting go out the outcomes. I set goals for distances, I go all in, but am not bothered by the outcome, as I know it’s just a checkpoint to the next path.
What/who is your running inspiration?
My partner Katey is my inspiration. She has been a runner for years. When she ran her first 100km race, and I crewed for her all day, it gave me a belief that someday I could run a marathon too. Little did I know that less than 2 years into running I would be running not only my first of many marathons, but multiple ultra marathon distances since.
I just completed my first 100km event in NZ a couple months back with her.
Next stop, 100 miles in 2026!
Do you have a running mantra?
I have many mantras I live by, but one hashtag that is tattooed. On my wrist is #letgotogrow. We cannot step into something new, if we are still holding onto the past. Once you let go, you will grow.

If you know a local runner who deserves a shout out, email amelia@solemotive.com or comment on our Instagram post!