
Injury Prevention

According to a new study, your sex may determine how well you respond to pain relief medication. By Korin Miller and Rachel Boswell Tatiana Maksimova//Getty Images There’s a laundry list...
Here's what causes delayed onset muscle soreness, what to do once it kicks in and how to reduce your risk of getting it in...
Wondering what’s wrong with your foot? We explain exactly how to test for a stress fracture. By The Runner’s World Editors and Jordan D. Metzl, MD Predrag Popovski//Getty Images It’s...
Kegel exercises are not the answer. By Heather Mayer Irvine RyanJLane//Getty Images Jump to: When women—runners or not—hear “pelvic floor,” their minds likely go straight to kegel exercises. And that’s no surprise,...
Specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist Rebecca Christenson on what runners need to know about sciatica – including what it is, how and why it may affect...
You need a little bit of both to help your body reap the benefits of hard workouts. BY JENNY HADFIELD What is the difference between rest and...
This useful tool is good for more than just recovering from a tough workout. If you’re like millions of Aussies who work at a desk...
When it comes to which elements of your stride you can improve, your hips don’t lie. That’s because hip flexors—the muscles that allow flexion at...
Strengthening the muscles that surround our knees is key to stability and injury prevention. Do these exercises twice weekly to protect your knees and...
Suffering with knee pain after running or during your sessions? Sports doctor, author and marathoner Dr Jordan Metzl explains four of the most common...

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