The race received the second most applications in history.

On Thursday, the New York Road Runners (NYRR) announced that approximately 4 percent of those who applied for the 2024 New York City Marathon drawing were accepted into the race.
For reference: a high schooler has a better chance of getting into Yale (5 percent) or playing college football (7.3 percent) than a NYC Marathon applicant had of getting into the November 3 race.
The organisation received almost 165,000 applications—the second most in history, behind the 2020 race, which was later canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
NYRR expects over 50,000 runners to race this year. Last year, 51,933 people started the race, making it the largest marathon in the world in 2023. The finishing rate was high, with 98.9 percent of participants crossing the line in Central Park.
If you weren’t lucky enough to have your name drawn, there’s still a chance you can get into the race.
This year, for the first time, NYRR is giving its members a second chance at the drawing. Current NYRR members who are active as of February 27, 2024—the day before the application opened—will be placed into a separate pool on Thursday, where new names will be drawn. If selected, members will be notified via email by the end of the day.
Another way to run is through a charity bib. The New York City Marathon Charity Program opened on Thursday, with around 14,000 runners expected to take part. You can find information about how to participate here.
This article has been taken from Runner’s World US.