
Training Essentials

I’m glad you’re recording this, because I want to go on record: Morning people do not exist,” booms Brogan Graham, the gregarious cofounder of...
When it comes to which elements of your stride you can improve, your hips don’t lie. That’s because hip flexors—the muscles that allow flexion at...
Quick intervals build speed, strength and efficiency
A guide to hyponatraemia – and how taking in too much fluid can be even more deadly than dehydration. BY SUSAN PAUL AND LILY CANTER Although runners know how...
The time of day you go for a run can influence the results. BY MONIQUE LEBRUN Martin Novak//Getty Images ...
Returning your body to normal after a finish isn’t always simple.
Your running form may not look quite like an Olympian’s—but that’s the point. Trevor Raab When watching a marathon or running next to your friend, you might notice...
When temperatures are scorching, you’ll need to take some extra precautions before lacing up. ViewApart While running in the summer is great in some ways and the longer...
Here are some tips for running strong, even when the weather isn’t on your side. With races consistently back on the calendar, even sweltering circumstances...
Prevent rather than treat, experts say

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