
Tag: Half Marathon Training

Stay injury free with only five moves. However much we may run or work out, the majority of us with office jobs are still sitting...
Living room workouts can be effective when done right. Here’s how to stay injury-free. The coronavirus pandemic has gyms closed, forcing us all to alter our workout...
Just 15 minutes once a week will improve your range of motion and flexibility. Hunching over a computer all day and straining your muscles through...
Marathons and other races across the globe are being postponed or cancelled. Here’s the latest on what we know. As the novel coronavirus rapidly spread worldwide and...
For starters: Stop the thoughts that your training was wasted. Even with everything else happening in the world right now, the ever-growing list of race cancellations and postponements...
We dissect the data. Ever thought about why you go for a run? In the Why We Run survey, Strava surveyed 25,000 runners from all over the...
The Ugandan runner broke the 13-minute barrier on the roads, averaging a blistering 2:34 per km pace.   Ugandan runner Joshua Cheptegei smashed the 5K world...
https://hmg-h-cdn.hearstapps.com/videos/marathon-1547483462.mp4 How to choose a shoe to run a marathon in: It’s important to note, that every runner is slightly different, and the shoe you do...
Build up gradually and you'll be able to run faster than you ever thought you could Beginners who decide to challenge themselves with a half-marathon have a...