
7 Different At-Home Cardio Workouts Using Just a Dozen Exercises

Keep these in your back pocket for when you can’t run outside (and you’re sick of the treadmill).

By Jenessa Connor

Trevor Raab

If you’re preparing for a spring race, there will be a moment in the coming months when you look out the window, training plan in hand, and think, “Nope, not today.” Maybe the sidewalks are dangerously icy, or your running shoes are soggy from the previous morning’s run, or you just don’t have it in you to brave the wind-chill factor. Yes, good gear makes a difference, and, sure, once you get moving, the cold can be invigorating. But some days you just want to stay inside.

That’s okay! You can remain warm and dry and still get in a good at-home cardio workout even if you don’t have access to a treadmill or gym. “There are other ways to train cardiovascularly that are going to have a similar effect,” says Lindsey Clayton, run coach, chief instructor at Barry’s in New York City, and co-founder of Brave Body Project. Clayton often programs cross-training days for high-mileage runners and those coming back from injuries, noting that variety can help prevent overuse and burnout.

Cardio workouts that include bodyweight exercises and basic strength moves are especially handy for home-bound runners because they can be done almost anywhere (like your living room on a snow day) and with minimal equipment (like that set of dumbbells in the back of your closet). “I would keep it lower weight and higher rep to mimic that aerobic stimulus [of a run],” Clayton says.

When choosing a workout, consider your original training goals for that day. “You should try to mimic the volume and intensity of an outdoor running workout,” says Raj Hathiramani, certified running coach at Mile High Run Club in New York City. “For example, [when substituting] for a longer easy run, you can do a longer cardio-based indoor workout with lower intensity, or for an outdoor track workout, you can do a higher intensity interval workout with less total volume and more recovery.”

Workout templates like EMOM (every minute on the minute) and AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible) provide structure and can keep you progress-oriented, as they allow you to easily measure and track your performance. “I personally prefer EMOM for the predictability, as well as a target number of exercises in a given amount of time, so I can improve over the long run,” Hathiramani says.

Just like you don’t need a ton of space or equipment to maintain your cardio fitness, you don’t need a vast menu of exercises. With Clayton and Hathiramani’s input, we put together seven different cardio workouts with just twelve moves. Most of the included exercises use bodyweight, but some require a set of light or medium-weight dumbbells.

Below, you’ll find detailed instructions for each exercise, followed by a week’s worth of workouts.

Jumping Jacks

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet together and arms at sides.
  2. Swing arms out to sides and overhead as you jump feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
  3. Immediately swing arms down to sides and jump feet together.
  4. Repeat, jumping and landing on the balls of feet.

Squat Jack

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet together and arms at sides.
  2. Jump feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Immediately send butt back and bend knees to lower hips into a squat. Keep chest up and back flat.
  3. Drive through feet and jump legs back together to stand up.
  4. Repeat.


cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides.
  2. Squat down, placing hands on the floor in front of feet.
  3. Jump legs back into a plank position.
  4. Perform a push-up.
  5. Jump feet forward to meet hands and left chest to come into a squat.
  6. Jump straight up and land on the balls of feet.
  7. Repeat.

Cross-Body Mountain Climber

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Start in a high plank position, wrists under shoulders, core engaged so body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Draw right knee in toward left elbow, then return to plank.
  3. Draw left knee in toward right elbow, then return to plank.
  4. Continue alternating.

Dumbbell Burpee Clean and Press

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand behind a set of vertically-positioned dumbbells, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Hinge at hips, sending glutes straight back, and lower torso. Grip dumbbells.
  3. With hands on dumbbells, jump feet back into a plank position so body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  4. Lower chest to ground, then immediately push up into a high plank.
  5. Jump feet forward into a low squat.
  6. As you drive through feet and stand back up, swing dumbbells forward and up overhead.
  7. With control, lower weights to shoulders and then back to ground.
  8. Repeat.

High-Low Plank

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Start in high plank position with shoulders over wrists and core engaged. Body should form a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Replace right hand with right elbow, then left hand with left elbow so you’re in a forearm plank.
  3. Replace right elbow with right hand, then left elbow with left hand.
  4. Repeat, starting with left hand and elbow.
  5. Repeat, and continue alternating sides.


cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned slightly out, holding a dumbbell in each hand, racked at shoulders.
  2. Send hips down and back to lower into a squat.
  3. Drive through feet to stand back up. As you stand, push weights overhead, keeping biceps close to ears.
  4. Lower weights to shoulders.
  5. Repeat.

Jab and Cross

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands in fists close to face.
  2. Step right foot back behind left so left shoulder is facing “opponent.”
  3. Take a slight step forward as you strike with a left jab by quickly extending left arm forward, palm facing down.
  4. Immediately pull left arm back in, and take a step back.
  5. Follow-up with right cross: As you extend right arm, fingers and thumb facing down, pivot on ball of back foot and turn hips toward “opponent.”
  6. Draw arm in and pivot back to starting position.
  7. Repeat. Switch stance and arms on subsequent rounds.

Alternating Lateral Lunge

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Start with feet together. Clasp hands in front of chest or hold a pair of dumbbells at sides.
  2. Take a wide step to the left with left foot.
  3. Bend left knee, send hips back, and shift weight over left foot to drop into a side lunge. Keep chest lifted and right leg straight.
  4. Drive through left foot to return to standing.
  5. Repeat on right side.
  6. Continue alternating.


cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, soft bend in knees, arms at sides.
  2. Jump laterally to the left, driving off right foot and landing on left foot in a quarter squat position. Right foot should follow behind left leg, and right toes should hover above ground or make light contact with ground to aid balance.
  3. Immediately repeat, pushing off left foot and landing on right foot.
  4. Continue alternating.

Alternating Reverse Lunge

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Place hands on hips or hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulders in a racked position.
  2. Keeping chest up and core engaged, step left foot back, landing on ball of foot. Bend both knees to 90-degree angles.
  3. Drive through right foot and bring left foot forward to stand back up.
  4. Repeat on right side.
  5. Continue alternating.

Plyo Lunge

cardio workoutTrevor Raab

  1. Start in a staggered stance with right leg forward and left leg behind.
  2. Bend both knees to lower left knee toward the floor and drop into a lunge position.
  3. Press through right heel to jump straight up and scissor legs in the air, landing with the left leg forward.
  4. Immediately bend both knees to drop back down into a lunge and repeat. Pump arms to mimic a running arm swing or keep hands on hips.
  5. Continue alternating.

7 At-Home Cardio Workouts for Runners

1. Zone 2 Circuit

Swap a long run for this slow and steady workout. Set a pace you can maintain for 30 minutes and stick to it. Do each exercise for 45 seconds, resting for 15 seconds between exercises and 1 to 2 minutes between sets. Complete 3 rounds.

  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Lateral Lunge
  3. High-Low Plank
  4. Alternating Reverse Lunge
  5. Burpee
  6. Squat Jack
  7. Cross-Body Mountain Climber
  8. Jab and Cross

2. Full-Body EMOM

This fast, full-body workout is all about efficiency. Set a timer and perform the prescribed number of reps at the top of each minute—the faster you finish, the more rest you get (but don’t sacrifice form!). Complete 3 rounds.

  • Minute 1: Squat Jack, 12 reps
  • Minute 2: Dumbbell Burpee Clean and Press, 6 reps
  • Minute 3: Alternating Lateral Lunge, 6 reps (per side)
  • Minute 4: Burpee, 10 reps
  • Minute 5: Thruster, 12 reps
  • Minute 6: Rest

3. Tri-Set Circuit

Each set in this workout is designed to thoroughly fatigue one section of the body while keeping your heart rate elevated. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with no recovery between exercises. Rest 1 minute after each set, and do 3 to 5 sets.

Upper Body

  1. Jab and Cross
  2. Thruster
  3. Dumbbell Burpee Clean and Press

Lower Body

  1. Squat Jack
  2. Alternating Reverse Lunge
  3. Skater Jump


  1. High-Low Plank
  2. Burpee
  3. Cross-Body Mountain Climber

4. Strength Endurance + HIIT Circuit

This full-body circuit pairs strength exercises with high-intensity finishers that target the same muscle groups for a varied workout that keeps your body guessing. Do the exercises in each set back to back for the amount of time indicated. Maintain a steady pace while doing the first exercise, then amp up the intensity for the finisher. Complete 3 rounds of each set, resting for 1 minute between sets.

Set 1:

  • Dumbbell Burpee Clean and Press, 60 seconds
  • Burpee, 30 seconds

Set 2:

  • Alternating Reverse Lunge, 60 seconds
  • Plyo Lunge, 30 seconds

Set 3:

  • Thruster, 60 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks, 30 seconds

Set 4:

  • Alternating Lateral Lunge, 60 seconds
  • Skater, 30 seconds

Set 5:

  • High-Low Plank, 60 seconds
  • Jab and Cross, 30 seconds

Tabata x 4

Each of these four circuits follows the Tabata workout protocol: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds. Work at your highest possible intensity during each interval and rest for up to 2 minutes between each Tabata.

Tabata 1: Thrusters

  • Thruster, 20 seconds
  • Rest, 10 seconds
    • Repeat for a total of 8 rounds

Tabata 2: Plyo Lunge

  • Plyo Lunge, 20 seconds
  • Rest, 10 seconds
    • Repeat for a total of 8 rounds

Tabata 3: Skater Jump

  • Skater Jump, 20 seconds
  • Rest, 10 seconds
    • Repeat for a total of 8 rounds

Tabata 4: Burpee

  • Burpee, 20 seconds
  • Rest, 10 seconds
    • Repeat for a total of 8 rounds

Upper-Body AMRAP

Within just a couple of reps, this upper-body AMRAP will boost your heart rate and keep it up until the last second. Technically, most of the included exercises demand full-body strength and endurance, but you’ll definitely feel this circuit in the shoulders, chest, arms, and back.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes.

  1. Burpee, 6 reps
  2. Jab and Cross, 10 reps
  3. Dumbbell Burpee Clean and Press, 4 reps
  4. High-Low Plank, 6 reps
  5. Thruster, 6 reps
  6. Cross-Body Mountain Climber, 10 reps

Lower-Body AMRAP

This lower-body AMRAP will stoke your cardiorespiratory fitness while building strength in the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes.

  1. Jumping Jacks, 10 reps
  2. Alternating Reverse Lunge, 4 reps per side
  3. Squat Jack, 6 reps
  4. Alternating Lateral Lunge, 4 reps per side
  5. Plyo Lunge, 4 reps per side
  6. Skater, 4 reps per side

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