
Beginners Training

Advice for runner's who can't seem to beat this painful problem.
These six bodyweight exercises will make you a stronger, less injury-prone runner – no gym membership required.
Never dread running indoors again with this heart-pounding, 30-minute workout from treadmill guru Debora Warner. 
Advice for a runner who suffered a cardiac arrest mid-race.
There's no formula to use, and you may need longer jogging or walking breaks as the workout goes on to continue running hard.
Piriformis syndrome can wreck a runner’s routine. Here's some advice to prevent it.
Why does arm exercise make your legs feel tired?
Patience is epitomised by marathons - you can’t go out too fast or you won’t have anything left to finish.
Nerve dysfunction could be the problem. In the meantime, shake it out.
Post-run adrenalin may be responsible for a restless night.

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