If you’re looking for a reason to book your next vacation, it’s somewhere on this list.
By Matthew Huff

You deserve a vacation. Better yet, you deserve a runcation. Call up your favorite dog sitter, stock up on travel sized shampoo, and book your tickets to some exotic locale. After all you’ve been toiling away at work and it’s time to #treatyourself to a little r and r.
But because this is Runner’s World, perhaps you’ll want to add a third “r” to that rest and relaxation, with the third “r” being running. Because while sitting on a beach sipping a mai tai or eating pasta on the Amalfi Coast can be lovely, they are even more fulfilling when you’ve got a half marathon finisher’s medal stowed safely in your suitcase. And as half marathons become more and more popular around the world, your options for international halfs to travel to become more and more plentiful.
In fact, you might say that there are too many choices. Looking through indexes of international half marathons can be a bit daunting, and because you might not know anyone who has run a half marathon in Ireland, it can be tricky to decide which race is best.
To that end, we’ve assembled a list of 15 of the most exciting international half marathons spreading six continents (sorry, Antarctica) across the whole calendar. So peruse this list and start searching for cheap flights. It’s time for a runcation.
Best International Half Marathons
Osaka Half Marathon
Date: January 26, 2025
Location: Osaka, Japan
While the Tokyo Marathon may be Japan’s premiere running event, don’t sleep on the country’s second biggest city as another great spot to run. Osaka’s half marathon takes place on a flat and fast point-to-point course that gives runners a tour of the city. It also features a stadium finish in the Yanmar Stadium Nagai. There really is nothing quite like finishing a 21.1 kilometre long race to a packed house full of adoring fans. Plus, Osaka also is home to some of the best food and whiskey bars in Japan, so you know what you’ll be doing post-race.
Kilimanjaro Half Marathon

Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya
Date: February 23, 2025
Location: Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Don’t worry. Running the Kilimanjaro Half Marathon does not actually involve running up the tallest mountain in Africa. Rather you just run toward it, so you have a spectacular view on a course that doesn’t involve intense hikes upward (you can trek up the side of the mountain on another day). With this marathon, you’ll get to explore a new region, gaze at one of Africa’s natural wonders and collect a finisher’s medal all in one fell swoop.
Paris Half Marathon
Date: March 9, 2025
Location: Paris, France
Never has carb loading been easier than it will be before the Paris Half when you’re surrounded by croissants, baguettes, and okay maybe just one more croissant. While the 2025 course hasn’t been announced yet, the 2024 route started on the south bank of the Seine near Notre Dame, sending runners on a loop of the city before finishing in front of the Bastille.
Athens Half Marathon

Date: March 2025 (TBA)
Location: Athens, Greece
While the Athens Marathon is an iconic race (perhaps the most iconic of all time), the one thing it doesn’t give runners is a lot of time in Athens. After all, the marathon is a race between two cities, from Marathon to Athens, that spends most of its course on a highway. The Athens Half, however, gives runners a nice tour of the city so you can see landmarks that don’t happen to fall on the path from Marathon. Once you’re done with your historical sightseeing in Athens, you can head to one of Greece’s seaside resorts to relax those sore muscles.
Istanbul Half Marathon
Date: April 2025 (TBA)
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
If you’re looking for a PR, Istanbul’s half marathon might be your best bet. The flat out-and-back course follows the coast of the city’s European peninsula and doesn’t send racers up any daunting hills. Not only will you get plenty of seaside views and cool breezes, but you’ll also pass many of the city’s ancient landmarks, including the stunning Hagia Sophia. While on your vacation, you can pop on over to the Asian side of the city by crossing continental lines (something that very few cities have to offer).
The Great Wall Half Marathon

Date: May 17, 2025
Location: Huangya Pass, China
The Great Wall Half Marathon is not only one of the world’s coolest half marathons, it is also one of the hardest. That’s because it’s one of very few half marathons in the world that forces its entrants to run stairs. While only segments of the 13.1 miles are actually run on the Great Wall of China, those segments involve running up and down hundreds of ancient stone steps. At some places the course grows so steep that runners resort to climbing on all fours, but if you’re willing to put up with the pain, you’ll get one of the most unique running experiences the world has to offer.
The Big Five Half Marathon
Date: June 14, 2025
Location: Entabeni, South Africa
In Africa, the “big five” is a group of large mammals (the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, African buffalo, and elephant) that people on safaris try to spot while traversing the countryside. This South African half marathon, named after these five animals, is run on the savannah and allows runners the opportunity to spot all five animals while also jogging 21.1 kilometres. The race’s website boasts, “No fences, no rivers, nothing at all separates the runners from the African wildlife!” And while that is of course exciting, it is also a bit daunting to think about facing off a wild lion on 12-mile jelly legs.
Midnight Sun Half Marathon
Date: June 21, 2025
Location: Tromso, Norway
If you’d like to spend some time truly off the grid in a remote location difficult to reach, might I suggest running a half marathon in the arctic circle. The Midnight Sun Half Marathon in the northern recesses of Norway is run every year on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. And so far north, it’s basically daylight for the whole day, meaning that you get to see the midnight sun while running in the middle of the night. This will wreak havoc on your sleep cycle, but it will also be an experience you’ll never forget.
Mexico City Half Marathon

Date: July 2025 (TBA)
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
For those looking for an international half marathon that doesn’t require you to spend 10 hours on a flight across an ocean, the Mexico City Half Marathon might be right up your alley. The best thing about this half marathon is the crowds lining the course. They’re some of the best in the world and turn the race into a raucous party. The worst thing about this half marathon is the altitude. At over 2,000 feet above sea level, this is not a race for the faint of heart. You’ll want to do some altitude training before you take on this race if you’re looking to snatch up a PR.
Patagonian International Half Marathon
Date: September 2025 (TBA)
Location: Puerto Natales, Chile
This half marathon in Chile is about as close as you can get to Antarctica without actually being on the snowy continent. The half is run in the Torres del Paine National Park in the desolate nature of Patagonia. You could easily make this a full camping/hiking vacation or catch a flight to Buenos Aires to add a little urban culture to your runcation.
Swiss Peaks Half Marathon
Date: September 2025 (TBA)
Location: Bouveret, Switzerland
As you could probably guess, the Swiss Peaks Half Marathon does in fact involve some hills. If you’re a beginner, looking for an easy course, or hoping for a PR, this race is probably not for you. However, this half marathon does do you the kindness of putting the uphill segment at the beginning of the race, basically sending up you up one of the Alps before you get to turn around and run the back half on a sloping downhill. The views are spectacular, the weather is chilly, and you’ll get plenty of fresh air. This would also be a great opportunity to check on whatever top secret bank accounts you have in Switzerland.
Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon

Date: October 20, 2024
Location: Toronto, Canada
While Canada has plenty of excellent half marathons, the Toronto Waterfront Half is one of the most popular. The loop course starts and ends downtown, but includes a lengthy stint along the shores of Lake Ontario. You’ll run by the CN Tower, through Coronation Park, and get views of the Toronto Islands. Once you’re done, snag some poutine or a Molson to celebrate as a Canadian would.
Singapore Half Marathon
Date: December 1, 2024
Location: Singapore, Singapore
There’s no better way to close out a year than with a runcation. The website boasts the race “strikes a perfect balance between challenge and achievability,” which is code for “there are some hills.” The course is a loop of the city’s marina, which also means you’ll get plenty of waterfront views of the city’s unique architecture and skylines.
Reggae Half Marathon
Date: December 8, 2024
Location: Negril, Jamaica
No better way to beat the winter blues than by disappearing to the Caribbean for a quick vacation. Jamaica’s beachside half marathon is the perfect reason to spend a long weekend on the sandy shores. You can pump out a half marathon and then lounge around by the ocean for a few days feeling an immense sense of accomplishment. Plus, as the name suggests, there will be plenty of reggae music for you to enjoy before, during, and after the race
This content is taken from Runner’s World US.