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An expert- and science-backed guide to finishing just as strong as you started. BY ELIZABETH MILLARD MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY JOHN VASUDEVAN, M.D. Runner's World Staff; Aishia McAdams You...
I followed my watch’s daily workout recommendations to train for a marathon. Here’s how it went. BY JEFF DENGATE Artificial intelligence continues to rapidly creep into...
It's a matter of training smarter, not harder. BY AMANDA KHOUV Getting out of the habit of more training, and getting into the habit of smart training, is easier...
Double running isn't just a training strategy for the elites. BY THE RUNNER'S WORLD EDITORS Running twice in a day can bring some great benefits, but it's...
How to strengthen your muscles, heart and lungs for better running
Experts explain what slow running really means and the mental and physical perks of pumping the brakes. Lakota Gambill For many runners, embracing the concept of...
How walking can improve your running. To become more efficient runners, it's well known that we need to run regularly and consistently. But what's lesser...
Mimic the intensity to train your body for what’s to come. Nikada/Getty Images Sure, living and training where big climbs abound would be ideal. If you...

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