
carbs - search results

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New research adds to the case for kilojoules soon after long or hard workouts.
Despite trending fat-based diets, study finds carbohydrates the best energy source for distance running.
Know what is being served at your next race, you may have to bring your own fuel.
Mixing two performance-boosters gives unexpected results
Run coaches offer smart strategies on how to move, modify, or skip your longest training run of the week. By Cindy Kuzma Jordan Siemens//Getty Images Whether you’re training...
Thomas Hengge Learn how to fuel everything from long runs to interval sessions, so you’re ready to handle any (and all) kilometres. by Heather Mayer Irvine Do You...
The lowdown on the diet that prioritises seafood, prebiotics and whole grains. By Kathryn Vann Zoryana Ivchenko//Getty Images You’ve probably heard of the Mediterranean diet, lauded by nutritionists for...
Calorie restriction or simply not eating enough to support your workouts can not only affect your running, but your overall health. By Elizabeth Millard Thomas Hengge Many people...

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