
recovery - search results

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We’ve come up with 7,776 different combos. By Rick Pearson Getty Images After your morning run, treat yourself to a health, generous breakfast. A study in The Journal of...
You need a little bit of both to help your body reap the benefits of hard workouts. BY JENNY HADFIELD What is the difference between rest and...
If your body is dragging, consider making these changes to your recovery process.
JACOB LUND - GETTY IMAGES Follow enough training plans over the years and you’ll notice that some workouts appear often. These classics—1200-meter repeats at 5K pace with...
Feel better after a workout—and the next time you head out for more kilometres—with this advice. If you find yourself slogging during your runs lately,...
Give your feet some extra love in the form of foam and support. Trevor Raab Despite running providing great benefits for your heart, metabolic health, and...
Try one of these 30 nutritious suggestions. Anastasia Dobrusina//Getty Images What you eat after a run to boost recovery is just as important as what you...
What to know about this underrated fitness metric. Trevor Raab Most data-obsessed runners have a grasp on common heart rate metrics, like resting heart rate, max...

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