

Dead legs and lingering fatigue may be a sign to eat more of this important macronutrient. AlexPro9500//Getty Images Carbs and fat give your muscles the fuel they need to...
Chronic inflammation can derail your performance and health. Add these foods to your plate to tame it. MAIKA 777//Getty Images After a long run or hard track workout, you...
Because who needs shop-bought snacks? Laura Reid//Getty Images Need a last-minute food fix? Homemade energy bars will sort you out a treat. Whether you're too short on...
Ease stomach troubles and make that mid-run portaloo break a thing of the past.
These plant-based mighty morsels are packed with an array of super nutrients that might just boost your running performance. Getty Images Despite their tiny size, chia...
Every runner has a mantra for race day. Most mantras (“don’t give up” or “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”) are uttered to inspire greatness. But...
Avoid hitting the dreaded wall by fuelling correctly. There’s a reason so many marathons and halfs offer a prerace pasta dinner the night before: A...
It helps regulate muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels and enhances your post-run recovery. Everybody needs an adequate supply of magnesium in their diet...
Daily runs can put your skin under a huge amount of stress—just think of all that sweating and exposure to the sun’s beaming rays. According to...
We spoke to sport and eating disorder dietician Renee McGregor. If you’re looking for an article that tells you exactly how long you’ll need to...

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