
Tag: Featured Beginner

If your warm-up typically consists of jogging – or worse, nothing – here’s reason to step it up.
Develop strategies to conquer your fears.
Whether you’re crunched for time or you want to shake up your marathon training routine, you should try intervals. These quick but structured workouts can save you...
How to get moving again after being sidelined.
There are a number of reasons why you should dial back the pace for those longer outings.
Wondering why your feet swell? Well, running isn’t exactly kind to your feet. It’s simple math: On average, each foot strike exerts a force...
If you’re a beginning runner, see if this sounds familiar: You start a run eager to get fitter. Within a few minutes, you’re breathing hard. Soon, there’s a...
If you’re training for a half marathon, you probably have noticed that your plan scales back your mileage a couple of weeks before your race....
They force us to make a foray into the unplanned, but that’s not always a bad thing. Runners tend to be highly motivated, driven, type-A...