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You’ve probably seen a wobble board—sometimes a curved plank of wood, sometimes a piece of wood with a rocker attached to the bottom—buried in the...
The hardest-working muscles in running are the calves, researchers say.
It's not about the knees or hips, Finnish researchers suggest
It's a matter of training smarter, not harder. BY AMANDA KHOUV Getting out of the habit of more training, and getting into the habit of smart training, is easier...
I’m glad you’re recording this, because I want to go on record: Morning people do not exist,” booms Brogan Graham, the gregarious cofounder of...
Strengthening the muscles that surround our knees is key to stability and injury prevention. Do these exercises twice weekly to protect your knees and...
Neutral or stability? Max-cushioned or minimalist? Here’s how to choose the best type for you BY AMANDA FURRER Choosing the best running shoe for you can be overwhelming, but...
5 simple moves to help strengthen your body as you increase your running. BY SAM MURPHY When you start running, your body is being asked to...

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