
Beginners Training

Endurance races can be both physically and mentally challenging. Ultra-runner Lucy Bartholomew, talks us through training, preparation and motivation for a long-distance event.
A course that seems hilly or flat may be the opposite when you consider the scale of the chart.
Running is a towrope pulling through my life, and at a time when stress squeezes me, I hold on tight.
Should you train for three days a week or five? Look to your goals first.
Meb Keflezighi's five-step plan for making sure you reach any goal.
According to Coach Jenny Hadfield, it is all about the colour.
Get fit, strong and race ready…
A weekly plan can help you to stick to your new fitness goal
A beginner running for fitness looks for advice on weekly mileage
Follow these rules to spend more time on the road and less time in rehab.

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