
Performance Foods

The type and amount matters when it comes to heart and performance effects.
Spinach and arugula pack a similar punch, but nitrate supplements don’t.
How to eat before a race so you're ready to run your best.
Plus, you'll want to try this smoothie recipe.
What's the one spice you should have in your kitchen, and why as a runner you should care about it.
Dr. David Ludwig, a nationally-recognised medical expert and the author of a new book, answers questions about low-carb diets.
These delicious toppings for a post-run snack are the best thing since—well—sliced bread.
At first, it looks a lot like Atkins or South Beach. Remember those?
You owe it to your body to include these in your daily routine.
Despite trending fat-based diets, study finds carbohydrates the best energy source for distance running.

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