
Tag: Half Marathon Training

Which pair to buy for stability, cushioning, speed, and energy return. Running is a simple sport. “All you need is a pair of shoes,” right? Riiight. Have...
You might miss the new upper mesh and extra foam at first glance, but you’ll definitely feel the difference on foot. The RW Takeaway: For the...
  If one platonic running partner (or more) to whom you’re perfectly suited sounds appealing, then it’s time for you to hunt for your match. The...
Despite the unforgiving environment, the shoes performed well. It’s not everyday you wake up at 3am and head to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah...
Not just for running, this bra is ideal for sweaty zumba sessions to introspective asana. The RW Takeaway: The Energy Bra was designed for the runner...
And here's why: with a minimal upper and a pricey slab of ZoomX foam underfoot, it’s an ideal shoe for going long and fast. Ever...
It turns out that getting up early can have some surprising benefits. Though it goes counter to the preferred doctrine, I tend to thrive on...
Best part is, you can fit them in right after your run. Have tight hamstrings? Contrary to popular belief, stretching isn’t necessarily your answer. That’s because stretching isn’t...
Yes, women get injured. But it’s not because of how they’re built. Let’s get one thing straight: Women and men are biologically different, but that...