
Tag: racetraining

How walking can improve your running. To become more efficient runners, it's well known that we need to run regularly and consistently. But what's lesser...
JACOB LUND - GETTY IMAGES Follow enough training plans over the years and you’ll notice that some workouts appear often. These classics—1200-meter repeats at 5K pace with...
Ease stomach troubles and make that mid-run portaloo break a thing of the past.
Here’s why and how to occasionally go all-out in training. Robin Skjoldborg//Getty Images The benefits of time trials are available to all runners with competitive goals,...
Clock ticking down to the big day? These tips can help you get to where you need to be. Getty Images When it comes to preparing...
Every runner has a mantra for race day. Most mantras (“don’t give up” or “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”) are uttered to inspire greatness. But...
Why 21.1 kilometers is the best distance—and everything you need to smash a PR. Matt Nager The half marathon is where speed meets endurance. It’s achievable...