
Tag: training

Every runner has a mantra for race day. Most mantras (“don’t give up” or “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”) are uttered to inspire greatness. But...
How to build endurance gradually and avoid injury when running long.
Runners dream big. Tackling a new distance, posting a personal best, losing weight—we embrace grand challenges. But what happens after that goal is (hopefully) met? You...
You've done the training, now it's time to get to the starting line anxiety-free.
It helps regulate muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels and enhances your post-run recovery. Everybody needs an adequate supply of magnesium in their diet...
Mimic the intensity to train your body for what’s to come. Nikada/Getty Images Sure, living and training where big climbs abound would be ideal. If you...
Running can feel intimidating at first, but these strategies break it down so you feel confident in your newfound routine. Adam Hester//Getty Images Running can be...
Daily runs can put your skin under a huge amount of stress—just think of all that sweating and exposure to the sun’s beaming rays. According to...
Follow these steps to prepare for your first 5K or 10K. Race days are always a bit nerve-wracking. You focus on training, goal-setting, and perfecting everything from eating...