
Tag: Workouts

Plus, answers to four more questions runners often have about that time of the month. Your period affects a lot of things: your sex life,...
  Whether you want to run streak or run strong each day, get your muscles going before you start running. We want you to spend more...
Take your running to a new level and still have time to shower with these quick midday sessions. You meant to run this morning before work—really, you...
  A massive new data review finds lower morbidity at all activity levels above standard guidelines. People who exercise more than the amounts recommended in official...
No, killing yourself at high intensity won’t get you to your goal faster—but slowing down, even more than your “recovery” pace, just might. Nowadays, getting...
Build super-strong abs with a circuit you can do right in your living room—no gym required. Chances are, your gym has a few exercise balls...
All you need are dumbbells and a resistance band. Time: 15 minutes Equipment: Dumbbells, resistance band Good for: Hamstrings Instructions: Choose three moves below. For each move, do 15 reps, then continue...
Two top running coaches share weight training moves that will improve your speed, efficiency, and prevent injuries. Weight training can seem counterintuitive to runners: The...
They’ve been called the most efficient exercise known to humankind, and doing them every single day was more rewarding than I could have imagined. When...