4 moves that can help you get the most out of your upcoming run.
It’s in nearly every training plan, yet hardly any runners heed the call to get in a proper warm up before a workout.
But doing a proper dynamic warm up – even for just a couple minutes before you head out the door – may be just what you need to get the most out of an upcoming training run. “You’re pumping blood, warming up your muscles and connective tissue, and sending game-on signals to your brain,” writes Dr. Jordan Metzl in his new book The Workout Prescription.
Need more convincing? One recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research showed that when runners performed a dynamic stretching routine before a treadmill workout, they were able to run longer during a hard effort.
Before each workout – whether it’s a run or a cross-training activity like IronStrength – perform this dynamic warm up consisting of four moves. Do each exercise for 30 seconds each, moving from one move to the next.