
Race Training

The pro runner demonstrates her go-to stretches and exercises that prevent injury and improve performance. Speed workouts are an integral part of your training for a...
This quick guide will boost your speed and endurance. If you just started running, you’re probably concerned with two things: running farther and running faster. And...
Easily determine your pace per kilometre for common race distances. While we know running a real race in 2020 is becoming harder to do, we also know...
One competitive runner’s quest to stop hating virtual runs by finding events doing things differently. Amidst COVID-19, with big races like the Boston Marathon, the Berlin Marathon and the Royal...
Try This Dumbbell Workout to Become a Stronger, Faster Runner Build up the key muscles you use to run while improving your overall strength and...
All you need is a RESISTANCE band Your glutes (more commonly known as your butt) make up the largest muscle group in your body. And...
Mindfulness might improve your running, and your smartphone can serve as your guru. Options exist for every kind of runner. Meditation isn’t just for the...
For starters: Stop the thoughts that your training was wasted. Even with everything else happening in the world right now, the ever-growing list of race cancellations and postponements...
Build up gradually and you'll be able to run faster than you ever thought you could Beginners who decide to challenge themselves with a half-marathon have a...
Strength train to prevent muscle breakdown at the end of a marathon

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