
I’m a Runner: Sloane Stephens


TENNIS IS a movement-oriented sport, so I do a lot of off-court running and agility, to be able to play long matches.

MY TOUGHEST running drill is on the beach, running up 100m sand dunes in L.A., California, where I’m based part of the year.

I’VE NEVER DONE a fun run or race. I want to do a 5K, but I’ve heard they’re really difficult.

I RUN WITH my dog along the beach near my house in Fort Lauderdale. But he’s very A.D.D. and can’t focus for long periods, so we’ll run a couple of steps, and then he’ll want to walk.

PEOPLE DO wave or stop me for autographs sometimes. It depends on where I’m running and if there are a lot of people around. Generally I just look like another athlete running around. There are lots where I live.

MY FAVOURITE PLACE to run is around my grandparents’ house in Fresno, California. They live out in the open, in the country. It’s agricultural, with grape vineyards all around.

RUNNING HELPS ME get things off my mind. It’s a place to relax. I’m by myself and with my own thoughts. I think that helps with life’s stresses a lot.

MY DIET IS high protein. The night before a match I eat a lot of carbs. I also love sushi. That’s my favourite food. Just pretty simple, pretty basic. Nothing too crazy.

I RUN WITH an iPod. I listen to whatever is out, like Rhianna, Beyonce, Jay-Z. Anybody really. Sam Smith, I love him. A lot of the time I run to Katy Perry. All her music is pretty upbeat, so it’s easy to workout to.

MY FAVOURITE PIECE of gear is my shoes. I love anything from Under Armour. They’re known for bright colours and making everything co-ordinate with outfits, which makes it easy.

I’M PART OF the #IWILLIWANT movement, a celebration of inner strength; a reminder that the best things in life aren’t given, they’re earned. It’s about empowering women.

I TRY TO be the best I can be. Running can help me get there by helping me train hard and keeping me focused, and keeping me enjoying what I love to do.

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