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If your body is dragging, consider making these changes to your recovery process.
Runners dream big. Tackling a new distance, posting a personal best, losing weight—we embrace grand challenges. But what happens after that goal is (hopefully) met? You...
Everyone who signs up for a half marathon signs up with the best of intentions—we’re not going to skip a single km of our...
Finding and following the right type of training plan for you is an essential component to a successful first half marathon.Test out gear and...
A simple yoga routine loosens tight spots, strengthens weak spots, and makes you a better, less injury-prone runner.
One of the most frequent questions I’m asked by runners is, “How should my foot land on the ground?” In the wake of the...
Five surprisingly simple ways to stay pain-free
Building a strong mental game can help you run your best on race day.
Three-time Australian Commonwealth Games representative Pat Carroll's top race-day tips.