
Featured Training

Ease stomach troubles and make that mid-run portaloo break a thing of the past.
Clock ticking down to the big day? These tips can help you get to where you need to be. Getty Images When it comes to preparing...
How to build endurance gradually and avoid injury when running long.
This form of cross-training brings some surprising benefits.
Runners dream big. Tackling a new distance, posting a personal best, losing weight—we embrace grand challenges. But what happens after that goal is (hopefully) met? You...
You've done the training, now it's time to get to the starting line anxiety-free.
Running can feel intimidating at first, but these strategies break it down so you feel confident in your newfound routine. Adam Hester//Getty Images Running can be...
Everything you need to know about when to take it easy, and when to push harder. Easy runs Some runs really should feel easy, and that...
Dr. Jordan Metzl address one of the most common running injuries.
Sorry, but there’s no workout “zone” that will magically melt your fat stores. If you’re reading this while sitting down, congratulations—you’re primarily burning fat. However,...

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