
Featured Training

You can have strong glutes and killer quads. But if your diaphragm is weak or underutilised, you may never reach your full running potential. Thomas...
Try these four techniques for breaking down long kilometres into manageable increments. Thomas Hengge Have you ever looked at a training plan and been terrified by...
Consider them your personal mid-course coach, and use these eight tips for stealing their support for your race-day goal. Tom Dulat - British Athletics//Getty Images Whether...
Don’t be scared of hill training – it's a proven way to build speed, strength and endurance. Nothing builds running strength better than hills. Running...
A step-by-step guide on how to add weightlifting to your run routine. Lakota Gambill Many of us don’t spend enough time in the weight room and...
Follow these nine running coach-approved tips now, finish that marathon strong later. Thomas Hengge Signing up for your first marathon can be intimidating and a little...
Whatever your goals, even if you’re training to run long, it pays to go short—and fast. Trevor Raab If you have a half marathon or marathon...
This low-tech assessment of exercise intensity may actually be more reliable than other methods. Thomas Hengge When running with a friend, you’ve probably noticed that the...
The purpose, benefits, and tips for nailing this crucial workout. (Hint: You should probably slow down!) When you toe the start line of a 10K,...
Learn how to pace yourself—and get faster—with this type of workout. Thomas Barwick//Getty Images If you’ve always wanted to finish a race with a negative split...

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